The WELL certificate for indoor environments evaluates, among other things, the quality of air, water, support for healthy eating, lighting, acoustic comfort or fitness. “ The certificate is an excellent theoretical basis for any architect and consultant workplace. We see in it the potential for our clients to improve the overall experience that people have in their offices, ”says Ing. arch. Jan Andrle .

Thanks to the certificate, CAPEXUS will guide the client through the entire process of certifying any administrative space. Certification is issued by the International WELL Building Institute.

“ WELL will contribute to making companies even more aware of the quality of their work environment. Certification will bring significant benefits to employees , ”adds Andrle .

Jan Andrle

The certification process involves a three-month self-study with a final exam consisting of one hundred test questions not only in the building, architecture and design fields, but also in the health field with an emphasis on wellness in a built environment. Testing questions are selected to test the candidate's comprehensive knowledge of WELL Building principles, procedures, and applications .

CAPEXUS - illustrative photo of MITON project

In CAPEX, Ing. arch. Jan Andrle since 2013, when he devoted himself mainly to spaceplanning. Since mid-2014, Andrle has been working as an architect and since 2018 he has been leading the department. In CAPEX he created design and spaceplans for companies such as Allianz, UPC, Tabella or RICOH.


CAPEXUS is a leading player in the commercial interior market in Central Europe. For clients using office and business premises, it provides a comprehensive design & build service that follows the latest trends in the fields of architecture, layout and interior equipment.

Over 70 professionals who specialize in architecture, design, work environment, building implementation, building technology and turnkey delivery of interiors have created a new working environment for more than 400 companies from large corporations to young dynamic startups over the last eight years. CAPEXUS annually implements more than 130,000 square meters of space.

Source / photo: / CAPEXUS s.r.o.